Important update on NPI/Taxonomy

On Nov. 16, BHT received this important update from HCA on taxonomy codes:

HCA has received a notification from clearinghouses that they cannot accept the local taxonomy codes created by HCA. Clearinghouses can only accept federal taxonomies provided by the National Plan & Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

This impacts the following local HCA taxonomy codes: 101Y99993L, 101Y99994L, 101Y99995L, 101Y99996L.

To resolve this issue, HCA recommends the following:

  1. Clinicians with the above noted taxonomies should enroll your NPI with HCA under the local taxonomy as well as your NPPES taxonomy

  2. When submitting claims/encounters to the MCOs, these clinicians should always use the NPPES taxonomy

If you have already registered the clinician’s NPI under one of these local taxonomies, please also register the clinician’s NPI with HCA under the NPPES taxonomy.

If you have not yet registered, please be sure to register the clinician’s NPI with HCA under both our local taxonomy as well as the clinician’s selected NPPES taxonomy.

Please find an updated NPI/Taxonomy fact sheet reflecting these changes.

We apologize if this change causes any inconvenience or confusion. If you have any questions or need assistance with enrolling providers in ProviderOne, please contact Provider Enrollment at or call 1-800-562-3022 (extension 16137).


Note: BHT has updated our SERI and NPI guidance page to reflect this update.