LOI - Office Hours

To create more opportunity for partners and community members to engage with ACH back bone staff, we are happy to announce ACH Drop-In Hours. For a set time once a month, BHT staff schedules will be open and available to receive questions, walk through ideas, learn more about your organization, and just generally be available to the community. 

You can request a drop in slot using this link: https://doodle.com/poll/mf9rm2zze6hebpfu
After you select a time, Hadley will reach out to confirm if you want to discuss in person or via phone. 

Upcoming Drop-In days will be: 

  • Tuesday June 27, 2017 3:00-6:00
  • Thursday July 27, 2017 4:00-7:00

Additionally, you may contact hadley@betterhealthtogether.org directly to schedule a time or ask questions outside of these slots.