Medicaid Demonstration Toolkit Overview

To the best of our abilities in a 45 minute time slot, at our 1/25/17 Leadership Council meeting, Alison gave an overview of the projects outlined in the Medicaid Demonstration Toolkit. This Toolkit is open for public comment until 5PM February 2nd, we strongly encourage you to get together with some peers (it's 78 pages...), explore the listed projects, and make a public comment to the Health Care Authority. BHT is also requesting feedback on our regions interest and readiness in these projects in a survey below. We will post any feedback we share, or receive from the community on our blog. Here are some useful links from our discussion:

In response to feedback from our January 25th meeting, we are attempting to schedule more opportunities to deep dive into the toolkit. Stay tuned. In the meantime, BHT staff are available for questions.