Contract Performance Policy Amendment

The BHT Board requested that our previous contract performance payment policy have more clarification. They wanted to know if there was a corrective action period for low- or no-performance contracts (those achieving less than 25% of milestones or Pay-for-Achievement measures, per the Cohort Payment Policy).

Based on this feedback, we presented an updated low-performance payment policy at the October 2020 meeting that was approved by the Board unanimously.

Contract Performance Payment Policy

To date, the Board has made several decisions regarding the allocation of Pay-for-Reporting Project dollars

1. ) Partners will be divided into three volume categories: large, medium, and small

2. ) Partners will earn funds based on three categories of work:

  • 40% Transformation Plan Milestones (selected by the individual partner)

  • 40% Pay-for-Achievement Measures (selected from menu of 12)

  • 20% Equity Activities & Milestones

3.) For Year 1 Contracts, partners will receive three payments during the contract period, with the third payment based on achievement. (policy adopted March 2019)

  • Full Payment: 75%+ of milestones and Pay-for-Achievement measures achieved, including at least one milestone per project area (i.e. bi-directional, opioids, or chronic disease)

  • Half Payment: 25%-74% of milestones and Pay-for-Achievement measures achieved.

  • No payment: less than 25% of milestones or Pay-for-Achievement measures achieved

Amended Contract Performance Payment Policy

Contract Year 1
Partners who achieve less than 25% of their Milestones or Pay-for-Achievement measures do not receive payment. In order to be eligible for continued contracting, providers can make one petition to BHT with a detailed, corrective action plan. The plan must be successfully completed within 3 months for a new contract to begin at the next contracting cycle. 

Once contracts are signed, Aim statements and Milestones cannot be changed by provider/organization.

Update March 2020 - Mindful of what is happening in our community and not unnecessarily burden our organizational partners as we respond to COVID-19, BHT will be flexible with the corrective action period as necessary.

Additionally, calculation of achievement for Project Milestones & Pay-for-Achievement measures will adjusted for milestones/measures explicitly impacted by COVID.

For more information on our COVID-19 response, visit
this page.

Contract Year 2
Partners must meet full payment criteria of 75%+ of their milestones and Pay-for-Achievement. Once contracts are signed, Aim statements and Milestones cannot be changed by partners. For providers not meeting this criteria, there is no additional time given and we do not contract with for year 3.  

Update June 2021
Mindful of what is happening in our community and not unnecessarily burden our partners as we respond to COVID-19, BHT will once again allow a corrective action period as necessary.

Providers who achieve less than 75% of their Milestones or Pay-for-Achievement measures (adjusted for milestones/measures explicitly impacted by COVID) do not receive payment. In order to be eligible for continued contracting, providers can make one petition to BHT with a detailed, corrective action plan. The plan must be successfully completed within 3 months for a new contract to begin at the next contracting cycle. 

Contract Year 3
All providers must meet full payment criteria of 75%+ of their milestones and Pay-for-Achievement by the end of the contract period to earn payment. Once contracts are signed, Aim statements and Milestones cannot be changed by partner.

Mindful of what is happening in our community and not unnecessarily burden our partners as we respond to COVID-19, calculation of achievement for Project Milestones & Pay-for-Achievement measures will adjusted for milestones/measures explicitly impacted by COVID.

Unearned Funds

All unearned funds are put back into the 55% for collaborative partners. This will allow for further strategic planning and development. See Project Funds FAQ for details.