Board Approves 2019 Equity and SDOH Funds Flow

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The BHT Board has approved the following Medicaid Waiver funds flow recommendations for Regional Infrastructure dollars, recognizing that the evolving purpose of Regional Infrastructure investment is to ensure that there are sufficient resources to support behavioral health and primary care providers as well as community-based care coordination, equity, and social determinants of health.

Equity Strategy Allocation

Up to $2,000,000 will be allocated for Equity strategy from Regional Infrastructure funds; 30% ($900,000) of Year 1 Funds and up to 20% ($1,100,000) of Year 2 funds.

  • $900,000 of the $2,000,000 will be used to pay for 60 Collaborative Partners, who are not behavioral health and primary care providers, $15,000 each for completion of equity assessment and milestone achievement.

SDoH Strategy Allocation

Up to $2,040,000 will be allocated for SDoH strategy from Regional Infrastructure funds; up to 12% ($425,000) of Year 1 Funds and up to 30% ($1,615,000) of Year 2 funds.

  • $40,000 of the $2,040,000 be used to conduct a 6-county (Adam, Lincoln, Stevens, Ferry, Pend Oreille, Spokane) Housing Inventory as part of our Social Determinant of Health Investment. Recognizing that one of the critical areas for improving population health will be access to housing and at this time there is no regional approach to developing housing and no inventory available for the region. 

Value-based Incentive Payments

VBP Incentive Payments for Year 2 ($300,000) plus years 3, 4, and 5 be moved to the Regional Infrastructure “bucket”. As behavioral health and primary care providers entering into VBP contracts with managed care and as providers are encouraged/incentivized to take on more risk for their patients, the link to community-based care coordination, equity, and social determinants of health will be critical.